No matter if car, train, ship or plane - all means of transportation in Simutrans use the same parameters
List of parameters[edit | edit source]
Parameter | Example Value | Meaning | Format/Possible Value |
obj | vehicle | Type of object | Text |
name | ICE1 | unique name to reference the vehicle | Text |
copyright | John Doe | Name of the artist who painted the building | Text |
intro_month | 1 | month of introduction | numbers 1-12 |
intro_year | 1989 | year of introduction (won't spawn before) | year |
retire_month | 1 | month of retirement | numbers 1-12 |
retire_year | 2000 | year of retirement (won't spawn after) | year |
waytype | track | way used by the vehicle | Look up Waytype |
engine_type | electric | type of power | Look up #engine_type |
cost | 100000 | how much player pays to buy | number (1/100 of credits) |
runningcost | 1000 | how much player pays per tile | number (1/100 of credits) |
speed | 300 | max speed in km/h | number |
power | 200 | performance KW | number |
gear | 125 | Percentage of power used in the game, enables changes to the vehicles in-game behaviour without changing real power, speed or weight | number |
weight | 10 | vehicle weight in metric tons | number |
payload | 2 | capacity, unit dependend on type of load | number |
freight | none | type of load | Look up #freight |
smoke | steam | emissions of this vehicle | Look up #smoke |
sound | bell | sound of the vehicle when starting/leaving station | Look up #sound |
length | 8 | Length of the vehicle - imporatant to have correct distance between vehicles in a convoi | numbers 0-32, look up #length |
constraint | possible vehicle combinations | Look up #constraint |
Parameters of graphics[edit | edit source]
Each vehicle needs to have graphics in 8 directions, which are noted as such: [S],[W],[SE],[SW],[N]*,[E]*,[NW]*,[NE]* *If this direction is not defined, the opposite direction is used. Only usable for vehicles of length 8.
The loading status of a vehicle may influence what it looks like, especially with good transportation. The following table uses "S" as a placeholder for all directions:
EmptyImage[S] | Graphic used when vehicle is empty. Also fallback if loaded graphics are not assigned. |
FreightImage[S] | Graphic used when vehicle is loaded in any way. |
FreightImagetype[0] | This assigns a #freight to an index. Indices must count up from zero. |
FreightImage[0][S] | Graphic used for a vehicle loaded with the freight associated with given index. |
Image Coordinates[edit | edit source]
In each image, you usually have several graphics. This means in order to reference any given graphic, you need the image name as well as it's coordinates. The top left corner is 0.0. From there, the first number counts downwards and the second number counts to the right.
It's good practice to have the different directions placed in one row next to each other. If various loading graphics exist, those should be beneath in extra rows.
This means the very first graphic is
You can write a new line for each graphic you want to define. Just for the empty images without load, this would look as such:
This causes very long graphic definitions with a high potential for having some tiny typo somewhere. Luckyli, you can use a shorthand version.
By writing several values in the first part of the parameter (before '='), this line will be iterated several times by makeobj. $0 is the variable which counts up each iteration. It's in <> to indicate that its not constant. The same <> can be used to alter the number with basic math operations, eg. <7-$0> would be counting numbers from 7 to 0 instead of 0 to 7.
A complete dat, using shorthand notation, might looks like this:
Possible values[edit | edit source]
waytype[edit | edit source]
Look up Waytype
engine_type[edit | edit source]
The engine type does not matter to the game much, except for "electric" which requires an electrified way. The amount of smoke is also dependent on the engine type.
Wert | Bedeutung |
bio | Animal powered (eg. horses) |
sail | wind-powered, like old boats |
steam | steam powered, smokes continuosly |
diesel | diesel powered, smokes when speeding up |
electric | overhead wire is required |
hydrogen | no effect |
fuel_cell | no effect |
battery | indicating an electric car that does not require wires |
freight[edit | edit source]
The parameter freight shows which goods can be transported. Goods other than those in class 0 enable the whole class for transportation. An overview of all types of goods and there classes can be found in the Goods list
smoke[edit | edit source]
Any emission the vehicle produces, requires a smoke object, look up Smoke
sound[edit | edit source]
when the vehicle starts moving, it may play a sound in .wav-format. Use the name of the file or an ID assigned in the file.
length[edit | edit source]
constraint[edit | edit source]
Example[edit | edit source]
Development | |
Creating Graphics: | Pixel-Art • Graphic Rules • Cutting Graphics • Special Colors • Templates |
Creating DAT-Files: | Building • Factory • Vehicle • Way • Signal • Landscape • Various • Themes |
Descriptions • Game Configuration |