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No matter if car, train, ship or plane - all means of transportation in Simutrans use the same parameters

List of parameters[edit | edit source]

Parameter Example Value Meaning Format/Possible Value
obj way Type of object Text
name track01 unique name to reference the way Text
copyright John Doe Name of the artist who painted the way Text
intro_month 1 month of introduction numbers 1-12
intro_year 1989 year of introduction (won't be available before) year
retire_month 1 month of retirement numbers 1-12
retire_year 2000 year of retirement (won't be available after) year
waytype track type of way Look up #waytype
system_type 0 subtype of way Look up #system_type
cost 100000 how much player pays to place per tile number (1/100 of credits)
maintenance 1000 how much player pays per tile and month number (1/100 of credits)
topspeed 300 max speed in km/h number

Parameters of graphics[edit | edit source]

Track 55.png

Basic Directions[edit | edit source]

For each tile, a way can be connected in four possible directions: North, South, East and West. This gives 16 possibilities, which are named by combining the first letters of directions. All of those are simply "Image[x]" or "FrontImage[x]" if they are supposed to be in front of the vehicle. [NS] and [EW] are straight pieces [N],[W],[E] and [S] are end pieces [SW],[NW],[NE] and [SE] are curved pieces [NSE],[SEW],[NEW] and [NSW] are T-junctions [NSEW] is a four-way-junction [-] is a piece of way not connected in any direction.

Slopes[edit | edit source]

Slopes exist in four directions. Half-height slopes should exist for every way, while full-height slopes are usually ommitted except for narrowgauge and road. Instead of directions, Slopes use the numbers 3,6,9 and 12 for North, West, East and South, as well as "ImageUp[x]" and "ImageUp2[x]" for full height slopes. "FrontImageUp[x]" and "FrontImageUp2[x]" are also available.

Diagonals[edit | edit source]

Whenever Curves in opposite directions are chained one after another, they will automatically convert into diagonals if available. This helps getting rid of stairs-like way patterns. You use the same directions as for curved pieces, [SW],[NW],[NE] and [SE], but start them with "Diagonal[x]" or FrontDiagonal[x]"

Switches[edit | edit source]

Tracks can change the looks of junction based on how vehicle reserve the ways. In P192C, this is generally displayed by removing the unused part of the track, as this gives much better visuals. [NSE1],[SEW1],[NEW1],[NSW1] and [NSEW1] remove the north-west and south-east connection in the junction. [NSE2],[SEW2],[NEW2],[NSW2] and [NSEW2] remove the north-east and south-west connection in the junction.

Season[edit | edit source]

So far, ways can not make use of the full spectrum of seasons, but only normal and snowy. To do this, add [0] for the normal graphic and [1] for the snowy graphic.

Example[edit | edit source]

The graphic to the right is a modified version of track_55, which indicates the borders of each image and the code used to describe it. Note that the last line is just a comment, as this track is not supposed to climb double heights in the game. Furthermore, this does not include winter images.

icon=> ./track/track_55.0.2

Possible values[edit | edit source]

waytype[edit | edit source]

The parameter "waytype" defines the type of way, if it's a road, a track or a river, respectively if it's a bus, a train or a boat.

road Road
track Standard Gauge Railway
tram_track Standard Gauge Tramway*
water River or Sea
air Runway, Tayiway
monorail_track Monorail track**
maglev_track magnetic levitation track**
narrowgauge_track Narrow Gauge Track**
power power line (uses slightly different graphic definition)

*Trams are, for the most part, tracks that can be placed on roads. Vehicles for that way are in their own depot, but they can use normal tracks and vehicles of standard gauge railway can use tramways.

**Monorail, Maglev und Narrowgauge are functionally indistinctable from tracks, except for the lack of a tram version.

P192C uses these waytypes slightly different:

road Road
track Narrow Gauge Railway
tram_track Narrow Gauge Tramway
water River or Sea
air Runway, Tayiway
monorail_track Suspended Track
maglev_track Maglev Track
narrowgauge_track Standard Gauge Track
power power line (uses slightly different graphic definition)

system_type[edit | edit source]

The system type is a subtype of a way which can be used for grouping in the menu, but some actually have meaning, depending on the waytype.

track[edit | edit source]

  • 0 = normal track
  • 1 = elevated track
  • 7 = tram track - allows placement on roads
  • 64 = underground track
  • 255 = walls (no actual effect)

road, narrowgauge_track, maglev_track, monorail_track[edit | edit source]

  • 0 = normal way
  • 1 = elevated way
  • 64= underground way

water[edit | edit source]

  • 0 = canal
  • 1 = elevated canal
  • 255 = river

air[edit | edit source]

  • 0 = taxiway
  • 1 = runway